

Reverse geocoding uses latitude and longitude information to provide addresses. Optional description of the zoom level provides information suitable for the openlayers room level.

Parameter string)

* key = Your API Key

    Must be issued through the Fatos Sales Group.(

* format = [xml | json]

    output method.

* accept-language = <browser language(string)>

   Preferred language to show search results, overrides browser values.

*  lat = <value>
*  lon = <value>

    Location information for addressing.

* addressdetails = [0 | 1]

    Whether to separate addresses into details.

* zoom = [0 ~ 18]

    Detail level, 0 is a country, 18 is a building.
    Recommended 18

Example API Key)&format=json&lat=1.27836264&lon=103.8029343&zoom=18&addressdetails=1&accept-language=en

  "address_type": "way",
  "lat": "1.27836263535848",
  "lon": "103.802934312811",
    "Alexandra Road, Alexandra, Sentosa Cove, Southwest, 119578, Singapore",
  "address": {
    "road": "Alexandra Road",
    "suburb": "Alexandra",
    "hamlet": "Sentosa Cove",
    "county": "Southwest",
    "postcode": "119578",
    "country": "Singapore",
    "country_code": "sg"
  "boundingbox": ["1.2783626", "1.2785892", "103.8029343", "103.8030164"]